Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Was it a case of suburban boredom, or did you fall into a peer pressure kind of situation? Starting with the bands Proud and Release back in the late '80s, the New Jersey native has built quite the nice discography. At first I was enjoying it, so I figured that if doing some drugs were fun, doing more would be better. Search started with a Facebook post. Fast Times at the Jersey Shore was the sole Floorpunch studio album. Preparing for this interview, I listened to the I Refuse. floorpunch new jersey

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Floprpunch For Me Short and sweet garage punk nuggets from the magical nexus where Elvis meets the Ramones. Leave No Doubt by Mindset.

floorpunch new jersey

My mother was always playing music when I was a kid. Thinking floorpuncj, did you guys have a specific sonic and lyrical direction you wanted to attack before you even started putting the material together? Photographer Spotlights Photographer Spotlight: He brought in Greg and Joe who both lived down there as well. Yeah, it was only a floorupnch and a half high ramp, but at that age it seemed totally believable!

Olden Goldies by Tall Juan.

SFU FLOORPUNCH "New Jersey" | Six Feet Under Records

Do you remember what the initial reaction to Floorpunch was from your peers in the NJ hardcore scene? Interviews Mindforce Vocalist Jason P. I joined the band later that summer, and then we recorded and released our demo in the fall of How did the idea of starting Search come up? Lyrically, we were just angry.

We were writing a lot of songs and wanted to tour, so doing an LP seemed like a natural next step. As I mentioned, once I started getting into hard rock and metal in the '70s I was all in.

I was able to see some great arena metal shows in the early '80s because if I was going with him, my mother was cool with it. At some point in earlythey kicked me out and started flloorpunch the musical direction of the band.

Chris Zusi (Floorpunch, Search, Ressurection, The Judas Factor, Release)

Clear Comp Version Someone asks you what the ultimate NJHC record is, what do you say? Do you remember it as some kind of huge day in your life, or did you choose not to put too much of an emphasis on it in fear of the pressure it might bring?

I was in college and not playing in any bands after Ressurection broke up so I could easily have seen myself to some degree drifting away from hardcore. Six Feet Under Records Massachusetts.

floorpunch new jersey

From The Outside When we first started, I think that we were a pretty generic NJ straight edge band. I know that Rob was going through a lot of personal stuff at the time and all of that anger and frustration came out in the lyrics. Once I became straight edge I think that I was most inspired by Judge. That was that, within a 10 minute conversation we had the members, name, and concept for the band laid out. We never ended up playing any shows, but we did have stickers! I was always riding my bike and got really into BMX when I was younger.

Interview: Chris Zusi (Floorpunch, Search, Ressurection, The Judas Factor, Release) | No Echo

I met those guys in the summer of because they sometimes practiced at the same place that my band Proud practiced, and we would all hang out and go to shows together. Tags hardcore punk rock straight edge Beverly.

Through a friend of a friend we found Paul and started folorpunch with him a few months ago. Release wanted to add a second guitarist and they asked me to join. Yazz Ahmed guests and we feature "The Music of" tribute to French musical legends.

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