Thursday, December 26, 2019


But the important difference is that if at least one condition is true, e. The base game stores most text into a set of files with the extension GXT. You can see that they clear up any confusion on which "end" keyword belongs to "if" or "while". INI using any text editor. It continues executing commands after reaching "end". gta san andreas cleo sanny builder

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Inside that file, copy and paste the following line. If the condition is true, e. This is the condition for the if-then statement.

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The wait causes the script stop for a second before proceeding onto the next command to display the text. Its length must be seven characters or less and must not contain a space, which is used to separate the key from the data. Sometimes you want some commands to execute only if certain conditions are met.

This opcode requires no inputs. The data contains the full text c,eo the game can display on the screen. Views Read View source View history. Snany key is associated to a string of text, allowing the script to use that key to display the full text.


Each line in the file consists of the key and data. INI using any text editor. The while loop is closed off in line 6.

In essence, the bare minimum for getting this line to compile in the szn is 0ACD: The following outlines the basic steps sqn how to write a simple CLEO script and run it in the game. You can see that they clear up any confusion on which "end" keyword belongs to "if" or "while".

Install Sanny Builder into your computer. The condition of the while is always true, so it will loop indefinitely.

The condition is between the "if" and "then", and the commands to execute are in a block between "then" and "end". This is the start of the if-then statement.

gta san andreas cleo sanny builder

The while construct is a feature of Sanny Builder. The game will never reach this line because andres script loops indefinitely.

Note that this line and line 5 are indented. Without a wait, the game locks itself into processing the script and cannot process the rest of the game. Move your text cursor to this line and on the bottom left corner of the window you can see the message "0ACD: Run Sanny Builder and choose the relevant game on the bottom right side of the window. The base game stores most text into a set of files with the extension GXT. So far the if-then statement can andreqs check for builde condition.

Just as before, instead of just checking for one condition, this checks for more than one conditions.

This is the start of the if-then statement but instead of just checking for a single condition, this checks for more than one conditions. As noted before, indentations are there only for human wndreas.

Sanny Builder v for GTA San Andreas

Replace your Hello World code with the following code:. If you want to repeat the same commands, you can place your code in a continuous loop. Another variant of tta for multiple conditions is checking if at least one of the multiple conditions are met.

gta san andreas cleo sanny builder

This page was last edited on 8 Augustanrreas But the important difference is that if at least one condition is true, e. It continues executing commands after reaching "end".

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