Sunday, December 15, 2019


Duik comes with some tools to help you import and export assets to and from other softwares, like Krita , TVPaint , or Audition. What you can do with our softwares, some explanations to better understand what a free software is. Other older tools developped by Duduf are still available on duduf. The new Walk Cycle tool is the first of new comprehensive procedural animations. A nice walk cycle is just a click away, but you can go into details and adjust the character height and weight, but also every individual limb parameter and precisely set how it walks…. All of these features are a lot of stuff! duduf ik tools

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If you have special needs, we can develop personalized tools too, on the need, whatever budget you have.

Duduf With help from: Duik comes with some tools to help you import and export assets to and from other softwares, like KritaTVPaintor Audition. As the controllers are going to be the interface between the animator and the character, they have to be intuitive and easy to manipulate.

Duik is not only a tool for rigging, but includes everything you need to speed up your animation process. Here udduf the results of my humble study about what makes animation and motion design different.


Donate Our applications Help and support Find out more. A nice walk cycle is just a click away, but you can go into details and adjust the character height and weight, but also kk individual limb parameter and precisely set how it walks…. After Effects might not be the only software you use in your animation pipeline. Other older tools developped by Duduf are still available on duduf. After Effects Our applications Donate Find out ducuf.

Duduf, Mauro Junior License: The effector is a new automation very useful when you have to control properties depending on the location of a layer, or in any spatial way.

Duik – DuDuF IK Tools – DuDuF R&D | Animation | Animation tools, Character rigging, After effects

At Rainbox, our tools are freely shared, and as a tool without explanation is not really useful, we also provide free support of the tools. As soon as your character is rigged, you can begin the animation, being helped by a lot of Automations. All of these features are a lot of stuff!

duduf ik tools

Of course, this could not be possible without your invaluable support. Duac — Duduf Actions, automation and easy scripts creation.

Tools – Rainbox

Then you can rig those Structuresinstead of the design itself like in previous versions of Duik, and finally link the design layers to the corresponding Structure layers. After Effects Donate Help and support Find out more.

duduf ik tools

This means they can be very detailed, with textures, shadows and small details, which would be impossible if you had to draw duudf frame by hand like with more traditional 2D animation. The camera has to be considered as one duuduf the characters in the animation, and its motion has to be as detailed as the animation of the characters the spectator can see in the image.

The goal of a tool like Duik is to make the life of animators and riggers easier. Structures are layers you can add in your composition which will drive the animations, like the rig of a real puppet.

The Auto-rig is now smarter than ever. This is an example of how I worked the blur effects with After Effects for the short movie Purpleboy, by Alexandre Siqueira. We just work in a non-mercantile wayand consider sharing as a great value.

Duik Bassel.1

We strongly support free software. When compositing a 2D animated film, choosing the right blur to simulate depth of field or choosing to not use blur at all is very important and has a great impact on the general aesthetic of the film, and its stylistic consistency. You just have to select some Structuresand let the Auto-rig do the jobin a single click. The process is very simple: Everything I do, everything I share, is political.

Duduf, Kevin Masson With help from: There are tools to manage interpolationsto quickly select keyframesto automatically smooth all the animationsto create traditionnal animation and to work with traditionnal animation, to reveal trajectories ….

If you feel this is not enough, a nice procedural walk cycle is just another click away …. This is the reason why Duik has useful camera tools too, to help you to animate your cameras, to frame your shots, to import cameras from other softwares…. Duik is also able to export animations and the rigs, soon to an open JSON format so that with just a bit of development you can use them in any other software or game engine.

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